January 30, 2014

The one where it is the long and birthday weekend...

It is a tradition for me to write down (insert the number I will be turning to) 24 things I want to do before I turn to (insert the next number I will be turning to) 25. I always thought of it as a year's worth of bucket list. I never do most of them because the excuses I give is I am swamped with life itself. It is not easy working full time, studying part time, giving tuition most days, and spending the remaining days with family, close friends, Baobei and me. But it is always nice to have a list of things to do.

This year I have two things on my 24-bucket list which I know I will accomplish fo'sure. The list can be found on my IG (@mypussykatt) tomorrow.

Baobei changed rota when he signed on which means a lot of important days he will be at work instead of celebrating. My birthday, our engagement day, his birthday, new year's eve and our wedding day. Yup, pretty much suck but I am happy that he will be home for Hari Raya this year. I don't mind that he can't take leave for my birthday because it is on CNY and it isn't fair to his colleagues for him to take leave. Afterall, I am promised a staycay at Wanderlust Hotel, so what's not to love this man?

You know the feeling when you have the future planned and somehow there's more hurdles to jump over? Just two days ago, we thought the worst of our setbacks, but yesterday Ibu-Baobei called me and we talked for a good 45 minutes. Then everything seems to fall back into place.

Apart from the henna that we have deposited for, next week we are going to the Mak Andam's for the paperwork and putting our deposit. Then in two weeks time, we are going to put the deposit for the location/decor/food (you get the idea that it is an all-in-1 package). What a major step for us!

We have decided to push honeymoon back and not go the day after our wedding because
  1. Everyone is going Maldives for honeymoon and despite my 2-3 months worth of research, we are willing to forgo it and go there as a holiday instead once we are more settled (3rd year wedding anniversary maybe?)
  2. Money will be a bit tight for us as apart from engagement and wedding, we have Katt's insurance and furniture shopping for both Serangoon and Jurong house.
  3. As a beach lover, I have found a perfect place to celebrate our love and Baobei is agreeable! (This is why I love him so much!) Though it is a good minimum 16 hours of flight to 22 hours, the place is heaven! Not sure if we are going as 2 or 3 (heh), but I CAN'T WAIT! I think the hard part is finding the flight! SQ does seasonal flights there.
So goodbye January, hello February. It is a month of many celebrations! My birthday, my future MIL's birthday, our engagement and Mama's birthday! I pity Baobei though, he is going to be pretty broke but will be majorly loved by almost all the women in his life!

I will blog soon after all the weekend drama has died down. Did I mention that my two favourite people managed to work around their schedule and celebrate my birthday with me? It is AMAZING what people you love do for you, I am truly blessed. Just the other night, one of my fav cousin said, "I can't believe you're getting married soon Atie!" 

And I know soon you will make me your wife before God by our happy place.

4 xoxo's:

  1. heheh! and that's the most interesting part ever. the excitements and all. but it's ok. so long as you and your fiance have good plannings, insya Allah everything will go as planned. :) May all the things you guys go through will be easy peasy.

    1. (LAMBAT THE REPLY, SAYA TAHU HAHAHA) Yes, the planning is always so stressful but so fun at the same time. In Shaa Allah it will be smooth sailing with little or no hiccups but regardless, we will get through it. XO

  2. Aww. So excitingggg! Happy birthday huns, and all the best for your upcoming engagement! OMG, I've always wanted to go Maldives for a honeymoon too but changed because that's almost everyone's honeymoon destination. Haha. Can't wait to find out where you're goin! Our's is pretty much planned too and I'm so looking forward to the honeymoon instead of the weddingggg! Keke.

    1. (HAHAHA I JUST REALIZED PEOPLE DO COMMENT ON MY POSTS SO I AM REPLYING, SO VERY KECOH AND LAMBAT). Yeah, the dream has always been Maldives and though I shouldn't care that much that it is huge and there's plenty of resorts to choose from, but tak per lah thankyouverymuch. You have wedding+honeymoon+house leh. Lagi combo maha combo. XO
