February 18, 2015

Stained by an awesome certified art teacher

I have always loved the thought of being stained on my wedding day because that's the only time I can do a full blown one (kalau boleh satu badan haha) without being "perasan" haha. So malam berinai was something I was looking forward to.

Nadya was really cute okay because she gave me a mini heart attack. She what'sapp me half an hour before the supposedly time for her to come over and said, "Babe, I have bad news." In my heart I was "Shit, where can I find someone so last minute to do my inai for me." But turns out this makcik has already reached my place because she underestimated the public transport. HAHAHA, please don't scare your BTBs like that okay?

So anyway, Nadya came from 3.30pm all the way until 11pm? Apart from me, she also did a couple of my bridesmaids as well as Kak Moi and Ibu-Baobei. She was practically on the roll, doing one after another.

After everyone left, I kept on putting minyak kapak because I really, truly wanted very dark stains. So I actually stayed up until 2am-ish, watching movies and finishing up 2 small bottles of minyak kapak. 

Fresh after wearing it for almost 10 hours.

Then I went to bed, putting vicks (because I read somewhere that it causes our skin to be warm/heat up thus helps to darken it) on both my hands and feet, and covered them with socks. Hahaha, yes I wore socks on my hand because I don't want to accidentally rub my eyes with vicks in the middle of the night.

I woke up to this stain:

Overnight stain.

Since Nadya left 2 mini cones for me to touch up, I thought I use them to make an even darker stain. Heh. So gatal, I know.

The best friend came over the next day to finalize the itinerary and who does what, and I send him down to buy for me minyak kapak. He asked what size and I told him to get the biggest. 2 bottles some more leh, which he did.

Not sure if he nak bahasakan me or want me to mandi with it.

So I spend the eve of the wedding, bathing my feet and hands with minyak kapak so that I can get this on the day of the wedding (and after 48 hours):

If you have been reading about my wedding journey, you know how impressed I was when Nadya did a trial of the design I requested (thank you again Kak Riri) on her own hands and send it to me for approval before actually doing on me. I am truly impressed by her skills as an art teacher (coming from someone who can only draw stick figures).

The whole henna lasted about 1.5-2 weeks while the ones on my fingernails and toenails are still going strong, almost 2 months in (yup, I still have my henna). I love the smell of fresh henna and Nadya didn't use some fancy ones, if you need to know. Just some mehndi cones. Although I didn't like how the henna fades off, which at some point of time it felt like I have some skin disorder haha!

But all in all, I loved how the design I wanted turned out on my hands. I realized you just need someone who knows her art skills and you're good to go. You don't need anyone fancy because if the person can control the cone and got skills, the person can henna. Oh wells.

So if you want someone to stain you, Nadya Danis or you can search #nd_henna on IG. A MOE certified art teacher from NAFA? You can't get any better than this.

0 xoxo's:

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