October 30, 2015

The last kopek.

So we are on our last lap of the pregnancy or better known as the waiting game. I was supposed to blog about how much I will not miss pregnancy but I shall not speak too soon until I am done with my pregnancy. Before you say I should feel lucky to even be pregnant or say things like that I am not thankful of the blessing I have been given, please hold that thought until you read my entry.

Let's do my baby updates.

37 weeks 3 days
Raja K. M.'s head is still down, which means natural labour is still in order. There's no need for a planned elective c-section. My water level is also good which means she is happily swimming inside and there's no need to induce. She can stay in as long as she wants (as long as not overdue). Prof Han says it will be anytime between 7 to 10 days!!! Scary mary. Hehehe. She is about 2.8kg which is a good size. Oh, I am 71.6kg, which was not much of an increase from my last check-up so that's good. I am not sure how I am going to lose all these weight but let's save that for another day.

38 weeks 4 days
Raja K. M. is healthy and doing well. Her head is down but I am not sure if that means she is in engaged position. Water level is still good, so that means there's no need to worry still. We can just continue waiting. Hehehe. It is proven that I have been providing a comfortable home for her with all the good food I have been feeding us. She's super active still which can be painful at times. Prof Han also checked for any dilation (painful like crazy!!! belum lagi give birth haha) and my cervix is still closed! So that means a lot of walking the next few days. He also said that there are 4 conditions that I have to go delivery suite immediately.

1) Waterbag leaking/burst.
2) Bleeding.
3) Contractions every 10 mins apart for an hour.
4) Baby's movement decreased by 50%.

She is currently 3.05kg and probably will be 3.2kg when she pops. Her Abi wants her to be 3.3kg so he has been feeding me! And within a week, I am up to 73.1kg. Prof Han says that he will only induce me if I am overdue by 4 days.

The lady whose appointment before me was told that she has to be induced before her EDD because Prof Han thinks her baby is growing too big for her petite frame and if she waits until she reaches full term, she will have a hard time delivering naturally. I have been doing a lot of reading up and induce is more painful than contractions coming naturally. And those who induce, most likely end up with an emergency c-sect after being in labour for more than 24 hours!!!

Well our next check up will be on Monday morning. Let's see if RKM will be nice to pop before that and save us some money from the check-up. Hahaha. I am hoping for a Halloween baby so that we can have fun halloween themed birthday parties for her until she decides that she is too cool to celebrate her birthday with us. Hahaha!

As we didn't manage to do a maternity shoot, I decided on this instead

After 48 hours when putting on the henna,

(IG: @nd_henna

As usual, my little princess was not behaving herself during the henna session. I was embarrassed because she was not just moving once or twice, but kicking here and there too. Baobei says maybe it was ticklish hahaha. The whole thing took slightly less than 2 hours and as per usual, we had so much to talk about! So happy that I got Nadya to be part of my pregnancy journey after choosing her for my wedding henna. In Shaa Allah, many more projects between us. Her patience and professionalism... amazing. So please do have a look at her portfolio.

A lot of mummies are telling me to enjoy our alone time before RKM pops, so Baobei and I have been going for dates. Not necessarily to buy her stuff but to stuff our face with food (which explains my weight gain!!!). So happy that I am finally free from work commitments and Baobei is clearing his leave to have this time. I am also working on Klothes by Katt during my free time. I have been doing lots of homework and have been talking to my girl cousins as well as my closest friends to get their opinions.

December is my meeting with my co-designer to finalise our first 3 kollections.

This is us at exactly 38 weeks.

I haven't had any false labour or better known as Braxton Hicks. Or maybe I am oblivious. I am super excited to meet my princess but I am seriously scared of this whole labour thing. I am pulling my body apart, I know that. But there are tons of women who go through it every day, so I know that I can do it too. But you know I will share you every excruciating detail of my labour right? Hehe.

Here's my birth plan: 
1) Natural labour, with laughing gas,
2) Epidural will be only be given when asked,
3) Emergency c-section should only be recommended if my or RKM's life is in danger,
4) Baobei will cut the cord when it stops pulsating,
5) After all necessary checks and cleaning RKM up, I would like to have skin on skin touch with her.
6) I am planning to breastfeed her so I would like nurse with experience or lactation consultation to come up to the ward to ensure RKM latches on correctly. Please do not introduce formula milk without Baobei's or my knowledge,
7) For any procedures to be done for RKM like injection etc, either Baobei or my parents are present for the procedure,
8) I will like the hospital to discard my placenta and everything else. Baobei and I have made a decision to not bury it or whatever.

Please keep me and RKM in your du'as darlings.

I will be posting her arrival on my Instagram. Everyone is super excited and keeps texting me if I am in labour yet. Haha. Let's see if I get to post another entry before she pops. I can't wait to blog about the next phase of my life.

Oh, Kakak has started blogging her IVF journey. If you are interested in doing IVF or going through one, you can meet my sister here. Alternatively, you can send some du'a along her way.

I really appreciate for every kind words and encouragement you people have been sending. Thank you!


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