August 12, 2014

The one where I am a lil excited...

People keep telling me to savour my last few months as a single girl and here I am like "Nah-ah, I can't wait to get married." Truth to be told, I can't wait to come home to my favourite person in the whole wide world. I can't wait to fall asleep in his arms and get annoyed by his snores. I like to disturb him when I am awake before him and it will be heaven being able to do that on an every day basis. Or every 2 out of 3 days, being a WAG of a firefighter heh.

So don't ever tell me that I should enjoy my last few moments of being single. I have enjoyed for the last 24 years of my life, now I can't wait to see the world differently with someone to do it with me. I can't for us to start a family and I can't wait to just grow old with him. I envy my married friends a lot. Sure, marriage is tough. But what's relationship is not tough? From the start, it was tough. Even now, it's tough. But even the toughest things in the world seem easy with the person you're in love with.

I am not sure about ThoughtCatalog when I read about people not marrying their soulmate. Soulmates are meant to tear you and make you fall in love but never meant for you? Too bad for those people who didn't pick their battles right, because one thing for sure I am marrying my best friend + soulmate + love of my life altogether, and that is worth every fight in this world.

Will do a proper update soon. This month is crazy, and next month ... well next month is the craziest especially since school is going to start again! Oh due to miscalculations, we are able to book ROMM soon. Heh, then that calls for another little milestone before getting married. My #ABST was damn kurang asam. He was all "So that means Baobei is really getting married to you?" HAHAH then he was like, "Wait you booked your honeymoon before ROMM?" 

Well, yeah.

0 xoxo's:

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