July 27, 2014

The one where I go on a small hiatus...

Well, at least I got to spend the whole day of Saturday with him up until 4am, and having sahur with my extended family. This is our second (technically third if we count 2012, haha) raya together, only this year is a bit more special since we are engaged!

Lots of jalan raya with my family, his family (Ibu-Baobei just extended the invite, heh), my friends (LIFO) and his friends. I can foresee this being a yearly occurrence, which I don't mind. Oh, this year we have also decided to give duit raya together. Meaning a green packet received is from the both of us.

Anyway, an advanced Hari Raya to all my Muslim friends out there who reads me and forgive me for my short comings. In Shaa Allah, we will meet Ramadan again and I will be married by then! So that will be very fun indeed.

Alhamdulilah for everything thus far.

Okay, I am off to prepare the nutella roll from my future in-laws.

0 xoxo's:

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