December 17, 2014

The one where we were interviewed...

ROMM interview got pushed back because Baobei is on course and they are not opened on weekends. So we finally managed to grab some time in between his course and Baba's work to go for our long overdue interview at ROMM. Found on ROMM's website the things we needed:

Basically for non-baggage cases, you just need to bring your IC (and if you have gone for kursus, bring so you don't have to bring on the hari nikah). But if not, you need all the other relevant document to support 'your case'.

We share with ROM so there were lots of couples of different races, so make sure you get the correct queue number!

Apparently, you can't book your timing with the tok kadi there. You just have to try luck. We reached about 10am and there were tons of Malay people, and we were like "Crap, should have come earlier." Turns out, those Malay people are here to for 2 sets of solemnization that were happening at ROMM itself.

So we entered and took a queue number at the little machine at the side of the Information Counter. 2 minutes later, we were called into the office to have the officer very the details we have filed if there are any typo or if we have any changes to our name, address, mas kahwin, hantaran, address of the solemnisation etc. We (Baba, Baobei and I) produced our IC, in which she put in the folder and asked us to wait for the tok kadi to call us in for our interview in the room.

Baba went him for his part of the interview. During the interview, he asked if
1) I am his real daughter (not anak angkat or luar nikah) 
2) If he consents the marriage (he likes Baobei or not) 
3) If he is going to give me away or the tok kadi will.*

*Baba had no problem when he gave away Kakak to arwah Abang Faizal but he was nervous when he gave away Kakak to Abang Ridz. So he suggested for Abang to do it for me. He asked Tok Kadi in which he pushed the blame on me, saying it was me who wanted it HAHAH. Thank Ba, I got the backlash from the Tok Kadi who said that Baba is healthy and fit, and he should give me away not Abang.

After which, it was our turn for the interview. First Tok Kadi verified with Baobei about his details and confirmed that he is single. Then was asked if he took religious class outside (don't worry if you don't because he won't give you that judgemental look). Then he was asked to angkat sumpah. Then it was my turn with the same set of questions and angkat sumpah.

That's it. All ready to kahwin already!!!

We took about 20 minutes for the whole thing. We were lucky because the Tok Kadi that was interviewing us was supposed to go and nikahkan the 2 set of couples that we saw earlier in the midst of our interview.

Then took the rare opportunity to be out in the morning for KFC breakfast

Look at our happy faces! So much love for AM Twister & porridge.

After that we headed off to OG to checkout bedsheets and towels since the bed will be delivered sometime soon! Who knew bedsheets shopping can be so much fun. Will keep that for our next virtual date.

Oh, woke up to this:

Next, someone is going to congratulate on being married! I will love that more.

Til 12.13pm, xo

0 xoxo's:

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